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Capstone Internship

Internship Site

Susan G. Komen Tissue Bank

The KTB is an organization that collects normal healthy breast tissue. The collected tissue gets sent to different scientist all around to help find a cure for breast cancer. 

My Job

My role involves reaching out to donors to ensure they complete their annual medical follow-ups. By obtaining accurate health updates from donors, we provide scientists with vital information that could advance their research. Additionally, I contribute to a minority inclusion initiative, brainstorming strategies to encourage greater participation from underrepresented groups in donation efforts.

Learning Objectives

My aim was to expand my horizons and cultivate personal growth by engaging with the individuals I encountered during this experience. I sought to fully immerse myself in a novel research culture, with the intention of acquiring knowledge and skills that would pave the way for future successes. I'm pleased to say that I've not only met my initial learning objectives but also continue to set and achieve new ones along the way.

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